A Roadmap for recovery: The Reforms needed by small-scale fishers in the Philippines

Lacsamana-Umengan, Dinna and Maderazo, Mario (2021) A Roadmap for recovery: The Reforms needed by small-scale fishers in the Philippines pivot around the role of the municipal administration in handling fisheries development and the welfare of fisherfolk. Samudra Report (85). pp. 73-78. ISSN 0973 1121

Laws and Implementing regulations on fisheries management in the Philippines should be reformulated to make it more responsive to the needs of small-scale fisherfolks.Various CSOs who have worked with local fisherfolks recommends steps to make this a reality

Read More: A Roadmap for recovery




being worker-friendly

Lacsamana-Umengan, Dinna (2020) Being worker-friendly: The Plight of fishworkers on board vessels engaged in commercial fishing operations calls for regulating their conditions of work and providing protection benefits. Samudra Report (84). pp. 58-63. ISSN 0973 1121

Fishworkers who work in vessels are prone to working condition abuses. These abuses are tied to various issues to include the global problem of IUU fishing and trans-shipment at sea. Organizing these fisherfolks would help alleviate these problems together with policy reforms in environmental protection and the inclusion of social aspects in fisheries policies.

Read More: Being Worker Friendly



Clear and Present Danger

Lacsamana-Umengan, Dinna (2018) Clear and present danger: Despite good policies and programmes, the Philippines struggles with illegal, destructive and unsustainable practices and use of coastal resources and fisheries. Samudra Report (78). pp. 50-55. ISSN 0973 1121

Coastal resources continues to be depleted due to various reasons to include the destruction of mangroves, the de facto open access to fishing grounds, the discrimination of women and climate change.Anchored in a rights-based framework, Tambuyog puts forward that coastal adaptation is an obligation of the state, while it is a right of the small-scale fishers and coastal
communities. Responding to climate-change adaptation means responding to other socioeconomic, political and developmental issues of the fisheries sector and vice versa.

Read More: Clear and Present Danger



life after yolanda

Lacsamana-Umengan, Dinna (2014) Life after Yolanda: The Philippines Government's proposal for a 40-m no-dwelling zone, in the wake of typhoon yolanda, should be participatory and consultative. Samudra Report (67). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0973 1121

Various Non-Government Organizations proposed some guidelines in the crafting a Government order for “40-meter no dwelling zones” in areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Hayain). These guidelines aims to make the process more participatory that would respect legal and traditional tenurial rights, environmental integrity and scientific soundness. The recommendation also asks for a more integrative approach to minimize overlapping jurisdictions and functions in the area of the different government agencies.

Read More: Life After Yolanda